Our Latest Dispatches
Are You On The Plus Side?
Still think that Google+ is an out of the way suburb nobody visits, the Levittown of social media? You may want to think again. Google+ now has 135 million active users and over 235 million users interact with the Google Plus buttons and video chats Hangout...
Pinterest – Why Your Restaurant Needs To Be There
Chances are you’re already familiar with Pinterest. It’s a social networking platform that provides users with an easy to navigate online scrapbook. Members can either upload their own photos or link to photos on other sites and create their own categories, or...
Additions To The Menu – New Admin Tools For Facebook
Facebook Pages are valuable tools for marketing your restaurant and connecting with your customers. Sometimes Facebook changes, subtracts or adds features that not only seem unintuitive and arbitrary, but also downright annoying. Recently, however, they added...
How Can I Tell If It’s Working? ROI & Restaurant Social Media
Invariably, when speaking to a client, or someone else in the restaurant industry, the question comes up: “Okay, I get it – I need to use Social Media in promoting my business and it doesn’t make sense t let the intern, or weekend hostess manage it – but if I do invest resources in all these new networking tools, how can I tell if it’s working?”
Restaurant Too Successful For Social Media?
Restaurant Too Successful For Social Media?