Communication, Commitment, Experience & Execution
Restaurants, like the chefs that create them, have individual personalities that should be reflected in their online media.
SOCIAL MEDIA RESTAURANT offers a comprehensive and specialized approach to digital marketing for the hospitality industry. It has been developed over nine years of creating and executing the social media strategy for some of the most successful chefs and restaurant groups in the US.
Bringing together a 25 year career on the New York City restaurant scene and 15 years of web design, John Moore has a unique perspective on the personal relationships between your restaurant and it’s diners, and between the hospitality industry and the ever changing platform of social media marketing.
“John Moore knows social media and is THE guy for our group of restaurants and food and wine operations in these new and vital platforms as they develop.” – Mario Batali
Effectively targeted communication to your audience, commitment to the faithful representation of your voice and personality, employing decades of restaurant and web experience, and the effective execution of well crafted online program is SOCIAL MEDIA RESTAURANT’S RECIPE FOR SUCCESS!